New Year's Day

New Year's Day Quick Facts in Norway

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New Year's Day

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New Year's Day History

New Year's Day symbolizes the commencement of a new calendar year, offering an opportunity for reflection, renewal, and optimism. Kept as a national holiday in several countries, it marks the end of the old year's challenges and allows for a fresh start with renewed strength and aspirations. Popular customs include festive meals, fireworks, and resolutions, promising positive change in life.

In Norway, the New Year's Day observance can be traced back to ancient times. However, January 1st was officially recognized as the start of the year in 1750 following the Danish King's decree, which realigned Norway's calendar with the Gregorian one. Norwegian traditions reflect their deep-rooted love for nature and family. New Year's resolutions in Norway notably focus on outdoor activities and health, underscoring the country's emphasis on a healthy lifestyle.

In Norway, New Year's Day is celebrated with grandeur. The midnight sky sparkles with fireworks, while families and friends gather for lavish feasts predominantly featuring seafood. Norwegians traditionally go for 'Nyttårsmarsj' or 'New Year's March' - a leisurely outdoor stroll, embracing the beauty of nature with loved ones. New Year's Day takes place on January 1st, irrespective of which day of the week it falls on, and is a public holiday in Norway, providing a restful start to the new year.

Facts about New Year's Day

  • Worldwide Baby New Year is the most common symbol associated with this holiday. He is a toddler dressed in a diaper, hat, and sash bearing the numbers of the new year. The myth states that he matures into an old man during the course of the year. On December 31st, he hands his hat and sash to the new Baby New Year.
  • In the early Roman calendar, New Year was celebrated on March 1st. The new celebration of New Year on January 1st started in Rome in 153 BC. The New Year was moved to January because it was a month when two newly elected Roman consuls began their tenure, which reflected the beginning of civil year.

Top things to do in Norway for New Year's Day

  • Make new resolutions for the upcoming year and let go of what happened in the previous one.

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