Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday Quick Facts in the EU

AKA NameHoly Thursday, Sheer Thursday
HashtagsCompiled on#MaundyThursday
Related Hashtags#HolyWeek2025
2025 Date17 April 2025
2026 Date2 April 2026

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday in 2025

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Maundy Thursday History

Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples. On this day, Jesus began the tradition of Communion and humility and service as her washed his disciples’ feet. These services are still performed and received in churches today. During Mass, Catholics believe that bread is the body of Christ and wine the blood since Jesus’ himself broke bread and filled a cup of wine while uttering those words.

Maundy Thursday is celebrated on the Thursday before Easter, which always falls between 19 March and 22 April. Along with Good Friday and Easter, it is one of several days held over Holy Week.

Top facts about Maundy Thursday

  • The Last Supper was Jesus Christ’s final meal. He shared it with his disciples and during the meal he predicted the betrayal of one of his disciples but still washed their feet.
  • The cup that Jesus used during the last supper to drink wine from is referred to as the “holy grail” and has been the topic of many movies and books. It has been rumoured to still exist but it remains undiscovered.
  • The word Maundy is derived from Latin, meaning “command”. Jesus commanded his disciples to love and serve one another.
  • At every hour of every day, somewhere around the world, Mass is being said and Communion taken. This has been happening for nearly the past two thousand years. Therefore, anyone who celebrates the Mass participates in a daily tradition that is two thousand years old.
  • There are few more effective ways to promote tolerance between suspicious neighbours than to force them to eat supper together. – Alain de Botton, Swiss philosopher.

Maundy Thursday Top Events and Things to Do

  • Attend Maundy Thursday mass at your local church. There are typically several held throughout the day and it is a great way to get together with others from your Christian community and appreciate Jesus Christ’s ultimate sacrifice together.
  • Spread awareness on social media by using the hashtags #MaundyThursday, #HolyThursday and #HolyWeek.
  • Watch a movie about the Last Supper or Christianity. Some of our favourites are: Passion of the Christ (2004), The Last Supper (1995), and Son of God (2014).
  • Host a foot-washing ceremony, even if it is only a symbolic one. Ensure that you invite your closest friends and family and recite a verse from The Bible - Matthew 26:17-30.
  • Cook a large Easter Feast using some of the world’s traditional Easter dishes such as Pashka (Russia), Colombia di Pasqua (Italy), Hot Cross Buns (UK), Capirotada (Mexico), Chervil Soup (Germany) and Paskeol (Denmark).

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