Easter Monday

Easter Monday Quick Facts in Norway

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Easter Monday

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Easter Monday History

Easter Monday commemorates the day after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, an event that is central to Christian belief. It marks the end of the Holy Week, a period of ritual observation and reflection starting from Palm Sunday through to Easter Sunday. As a legal holiday in many countries, Easter Monday provides a closure to the Easter festivities.

In Norway, the modern observance of Easter Monday is rooted in religious history. However, it has also evolved into a day for relaxation and leisure. During the medieval times in Norway, Easter Monday was originally observed as a solemn remembrance of Christ's resurrection. However, over time, Norwegians began to incorporate their own cultural values into the occasion, moving gradually away from religious rituals to more secular practices. This resulted in Easter Monday developing a dual function: a day of spiritual reflection and a day for enjoyment.

In present-day Norway, Easter Monday remains a public holiday and is typically observed as a day of quiet rest after the busyness of the Easter celebrations. It is also marked by various traditional games and outdoor activities, as Norwegian families traditionally head to the mountains for "Easter skiing". Furthermore, it is the day when many in Norway consume the rest of their Easter eggs, originally a symbol of new life and resurrection. Easter Monday in Norway falls on the day after Easter Sunday which, according to the Gregorian calendar, is the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the March equinox. Hence, the date of Easter Monday varies from year to year, occurring anytime between 23rd March and 26th April.

Top facts about Easter Monday

  • The Paschal full moon dictates the date of Easter every year. The Paschal full moon, in the Gregorian Calendar, means that Easter falls on the first full moon after the spring equinox, or March 21.
  • Holy Week is the celebrated during the week leading up to Easter. It begins on Palm Sunday, continues on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and ends on Easter Sunday. Not all countries include Easter Monday into their Holy Weeks.
  • In Norway, Easter is also associated with crime literature, known as “Easter crime” or "Påskekrim". Many Norwegians use the Easter break to read crime novels or watch crime series.
  • Norwegian families often indulge in traditional dishes on Easter Monday like preserved cod, roast lamb, and a buffet of cured meats and sausages. Lamb is particularly significant due to its symbolism in Christianity.

Easter Monday Top Events and Things to Do

  • If the weather permits, gather your friends and family for a picnic or outdoor barbecue. Enjoy some delicious food and engage in fun outdoor games or activities.
  • Spread awareness on social media by using the hashtags #EasterMonday, #Easter, #Pascha and #EasterEggs.
  • Norwegians love to spend their Easter holidays in the mountains. Places like Hemsedal or Trysil offer excellent conditions for skiing, and Easter Monday might be the last chance to enjoy the snowy slopes.
  • Visit the Easter Festival at the Norwegian Museum of Cultural History in Oslo for egg painting, egg hunts, and traditional home-baked goods.

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