International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

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2025 Date26 September 2025
2026 Date26 September 2026

International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons in

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International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons is a global observance that aims to promote international awareness and action towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons, as well as to highlight the catastrophic humanitarian and environmental consequences of their use. The Observance underscores achieving a nuclear-weapon-free world, vital for global peace, security, and sustainable development. It provides an opportunity for governments, civil society organizations, and citizens to come together to discuss, debate, and advocate for disarmament and non-proliferation measures and reaffirm their commitment to a world free of nuclear weapons.

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed this day in December 2013 in response to growing global concern about the continued existence of nuclear weapons and their possible use in armed conflict. India, as one of the nine countries possessing nuclear weapons, holds a unique position in this dialogue. India's approach to nuclear disarmament has been steadfast, based on global, verifiable, and non-discriminatory approaches. India has consistently called for the negotiation of a comprehensive Nuclear Weapons Convention. It has underscored its commitment to working towards a universal, non-discriminatory, and verifiable mechanism for the elimination of nuclear weapons.

On the occasion of the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, various events, seminars, and discussions are organized in India. Experts, academicians, and representatives of civil society come together to discuss the challenges and prospects of nuclear disarmament and the role that India can play in realizing a nuclear-weapon-free world. By participating in these events, India reaffirms its commitment to disarmament and non-proliferation and brings attention to the importance of achieving a world free of nuclear weapons. The Observance occurs annually on September 26th, providing a regular platform for dialogue and action to pursue global disarmament.

Facts about this observance

  • The only sure way to eliminate the threat posed by nuclear weapons is to eliminate the weapons themselves - UN Secretary-General António Guterres
  • The first resolution on nuclear disarmament was actually adopted by the UN in 1946 as its very first resolution reflecting the concern about the use of nuclear weapons.
  • September 26th also marks the anniversary of the incident in 1983 when a Soviet Union officer, Stanislav Petrov, averted a potential nuclear war by correctly identifying a reported nuclear missile attack by the United States as a false alarm.
  • India has a nuclear doctrine based on the principle of No First Use (NFU). This means that India will not initiate a nuclear strike, but will use nuclear weapons only in response to a nuclear attack on its territory or military forces.
  • India has developed a nuclear triad, which refers to the three main delivery systems for nuclear weapons - land-based, air-based, and sea-based. These systems offer redundancy, survivability, and an assured 'second strike' capability in case of a pre-emptive attack.

Top things to do in India for this observance

  • Watch The World's Most Dangerous Arms Race: India vs. Pakistan (2018) .
  • Read India's Nuclear Policy by Bharat Karnad.

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