Easter Monday

Easter Monday Quick Facts in the EU

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2025 Date21 April 2025
2026 Date6 April 2026

Easter Monday

Easter Monday in

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Easter Monday History

Easter Monday is a Christian holiday that celebrates the death and resurrection of Christ. On Good Friday, Jesus was crucified and laid to rest in a tomb. It was then discovered on Easter Sunday that he had risen. Since the Bible does not recount what occurred on Easter Monday, most Western nations that observe the holiday celebrate it with a day off after Easter. For some, Eastern Monday is a remembrance of Christ’s death and resurrection while others use it for Easter egg hunts and polka festivals.

Easter Monday is always held the day after Easter Sunday, which the first Sunday after the Paschal full moon. Easter Monday thus always falls between March 23 and April 26.

Top facts about Easter Monday

  • The Paschal full moon dictates the date of Easter every year. The Paschal full moon, in the Gregorian Calendar, means that Easter falls on the first full moon after the spring equinox, or March 21.
  • Holy Week is the celebrated during the week leading up to Easter. It begins on Palm Sunday, continues on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and ends on Easter Sunday. Not all countries include Easter Monday into their Holy Weeks.
  • Easter Monday celebrations differ from culture to culture as the Bible does not recount what occurred on that day.
  • The largest Easter Egg Hunt ever took place in Winter Haven, Florida, USA where 9,753 children searched for 501,000 eggs in a local park on 1 April 2007.
  • Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life. – Janine di Giovanni, Author and editor at Newsweek.

Easter Monday Top Events and Things to Do

  • If the weather permits, gather your friends and family for a picnic or outdoor barbecue. Enjoy some delicious food and engage in fun outdoor games or activities.
  • Spread awareness on social media by using the hashtags #EasterMonday, #Easter, #Pascha and #EasterEggs.
  • Paint Easter eggs and have an Easter egg hunt with your family. This is a great way to spend time with family while also celebrating some of the traditional Easter truths.
  • Watch a movie about Easter or Christianity. Some of our favourites are: Passion of the Christ (2004), Hop (2011), and Son of God (2014).
  • Attend the Easter Monday church service. This is typically one of the largest church masses of the year and it is a great way to get together with like-minded individuals with the same faith and remember the importance of the holiday.

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