World Youth Skills Day

World Youth Skills Day Quick Facts in the UK

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World Youth Skills Day

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World Youth Skills Day History

World Youth Skills Day aims to raise awareness about the importance of youth skills development. The event highlights the value of providing young people with the necessary tools and resources to hone their abilities and become active participants in the global workforce. The observance seeks to foster discussions among governments, educational institutions, and industries to develop strategic partnerships and collaborations that can offer better opportunities for the younger generation to acquire the skills needed for future employment.

The United Nations General Assembly established World Youth Skills Day in 2014 as part of their commitment to promote education and lifelong learning opportunities, reduce unemployment, and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. In the United Kingdom, events and activities held on this day play a crucial role in demonstrating the importance of investing in young people's skills development for a brighter future. With a notable rise in youth unemployment over recent years, the observance has gained significant relevance, urging parents, educators, and policymakers to integrate education and training that can better equip the youth for a rapidly evolving job market.

In the United Kingdom, World Youth Skills Day is commemorated through various activities, seminars, and workshops organised by educational institutions, NGOs, and government initiatives. These events showcase the achievements of young people in diverse fields and offer insight into the contemporary skills needed for employment. Alongside these activities, discussion panels and industry experts provide guidance for skills development, emphasising the significance of adapting to the changing demands of the 21st-century labour market, and promoting opportunities for young people to thrive both professionally and personally. World Youth Skills Day is observed annually on July 15th.

World Youth Skills Day facts

  • The theme for World Youth Skills Day in 2022 was Learning and skills for life, work, and sustainable development.
  • UNICEF reports that 9 out of 10 adolescent girls and young women are offline in low-income countries.
  • According to UNICEF’s Recovering Learning report, only a quarter of young people are on track to acquire job-specific skills
  • The UK government has committed to investing £2.5 billion in a National Skills Fund, aiming to improve access to high-quality skills training for young people in England.
  • Employers in the UK often express disappointment in the lack of soft skills among young people, including communication, problem-solving, and teamwork abilities.

Top things to do in the UK for World Youth Skills Day

  • Learn more about the issues surrounding youth unemployment. This infographic from the International Labour Organization goes into detail about why more than 200 million young people are either unemployed, or have a job but live in poverty.
  • Review current job listings to check their requirements. By understanding whether or not jobs are requiring new skills, you can help friends and family better navigate the workforce. You can also better equip yourself if you are looking for employment.
  • Engage in volunteering activities or contribute to social projects related to skill development, education, or community services. These activities promote teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving skills among young people.
  • Arrange or attend job-skill training sessions in fields like digital marketing, programming, graphic design, etc. Such sessions equip young people with in-demand skills and improve their employability.

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