World Environment Day

World Environment Day Quick Facts in India

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World Environment Day

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World Environment Day History

World Environment Day serves as an annual reminder to acknowledge and appreciate the beauty, bounty, and significance of the environment that sustains life on earth. This global event intends to raise awareness about pressing environmental issues, urging every individual to actively participate in the movement for a cleaner, greener and healthier environment. The observance celebrates wildlife conservation, reforestation, pollution control, and the sustainable use of natural resources, thus promoting the importance of environmental protection.

The origin of this event dates back to 1974 when the United Nations designated June 5th as World Environment Day at the UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden. In recent times, India has faced numerous environmental challenges, including air and water pollution, deforestation, and the exacerbating effects of climate change on monsoon patterns and agriculture. Consequently, it is vital for the Indian community to recognize, appreciate and celebrate World Environment Day to protect their environment and strengthen their resilience in the face of these challenges.

The observation of World Environment Day in India involves engaging in environmental-friendly activities and events such as tree plantation drives, waste management initiatives, and cycle rallies to promote green transport. Educational programs centered on environmental conservation, eco-quizzes, and debates are organized in schools and colleges to educate younger generations. Various states and cities in India host awareness campaigns, seminars, and workshops highlighting environmental issues specific to their regions. World Environment Day in India is observed on June 5th every year.

World Environment Day facts

  • Approximately 70% of Earth's oxygen is produced by marine plants. The remaining 30% is generated by terrestrial plants, including trees and other vegetation.
  • The Earth's average temperature has risen by about 1.1 degrees Celsius since pre-industrial times. This is primarily due to human activities.
  • It is estimated that about 18 million acres (7.3 million hectares) of forests are lost each year, equivalent to roughly 27 soccer fields per minute.
  • Over 70% of India's surface water is contaminated by industrial, agricultural, and sewage waste. Untreated sewage accounts for 80% of the pollution in rivers, leading to the spread of water-borne diseases and damaging aquatic ecosystems.
  • India generates about 62 million tonnes of solid waste annually, of which only 43 million tonnes are collected and just 12 million tonnes treated. The remaining waste is dumped in open landfills, causing environmental hazards such as soil contamination and groundwater pollution.

Top things to do in India for World Environment Day

  • The Environmental Media Association hands out awards each year. Take a look at the nominees and winners and consider trying yourself.
  • Watch a documentary about the environmental issues in India. Here are our selections:
    1. Fire in Paradise (2013) - A documentary about electronic waste disposal in India as well as the dangerous and unhealthy conditions endured by the workers who handle these hazardous materials.
    2. Jharia: The Land of Coal (2021) - This Indian documentary focuses on environmental issues surrounding coal mining and displacement of people in Jharia, a region in the state of Jharkhand.
    3. Smoke: The Air of India (2017) - A documentary on the dangerous levels of air pollution in India, offering a comprehensive look at the factors contributing to the issue and potential solutions.
  • Read a book to learn more about the environmental issues in India. Here are our suggestions:
    1. The Great Smog of India by Siddharth Singh - The book provides an insight into the causes and consequences of air pollution in India and how it is affecting public health, economy, and climate.
    2. River of Life, River of Death: The Ganges and India's Future by Victor Mallet - This book explores the importance of the Ganges River to India's ecology, culture, and economy and discusses the challenges faced in its conservation.
    3. Heat: A Story of the Green New Deal by Seth Fletcher - This book explores the potential for clean energy in India and how transitioning to a sustainable energy system could impact poverty, public health, and environmental conservation.

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