Saint Andrew

Saint Andrew Quick Facts in Australia

AKA NameFeast of St.Andrew the Apostle
HashtagsCompiled on#StAndrewsDay
Related Hashtags#Scotland
2024 Date30 November 2024
2025 Date30 November 2025

Saint Andrew

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St Andrew History

The Observance of Saint Andrew is an important religious event celebrated in honour of Saint Andrew, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus and the patron saint of Scotland. This occasion marks the significance of Saint Andrew's exemplary life and his role in the Christian faith. Aside from Scotland, this special day is also celebrated in other parts of Europe and the world, including Australia, particularly within the Scottish community.

Saint Andrew, known as the 'First-Called,' was among the first disciples of Jesus and has long been associated with the foundation of Christianity in Scotland. For the Australian community, the connection between their Scottish ancestry and Saint Andrew's role in the Scottish nation's religious history makes his observance particularly relevant. Saint Andrew's presence is evident in the diaspora of Scottish descendants and the rich cultural exchange, as the Scottish settlers have significantly contributed to the development of several aspects of Australian society, including language, music, and sports.

In Australia, the Observance of Saint Andrew typically involves the Scottish Australian community coming together to celebrate and honour his legacy. It often includes traditional Scottish festivities combined with religious ceremonies and rituals. People attend special church services and enjoy Scottish food, music, and dancing. The celebration is also an excellent opportunity for Australian Scots to reconnect with their cultural roots and traditions. The Observance of Saint Andrew in Australia usually takes place on November 30th, which aligns with the international calendar.

Saint Andrew facts

  • Andrew was reportedly martyred on November 30 in the year 60 A.D by a Roman governor's order in Achaia (Greece). He was crucified and bound to the cross to increase his suffering. The cross was tilted to create an "x," which is known today as St. Andrew's cross and is the basis for the Scottish flag.
  • The Feast of St. Andrew is the last holiday of the Christian year. It is held the day before Advent begins, November 30 in Roman Catholic and some Protestant churches. St. Andrew's Day is a holiday in Scotland that honors the disciple as the country's patron saint.
  • Saint Andrew's Cathedral in Sydney, opened in 1868, was named after the patron saint and stands as an important landmark commemorating Saint Andrew's influence in Australia.
  • In Australia, Saint Andrew's Day is often celebrated with Scottish music, dancing, and feasting. Traditional dishes such as haggis, neeps, and tattie (turnip and potato) are commonly served, as well as Scottish-themed desserts like shortbread and clootie dumplings.

Top things to do in Australia for St Andrew's Day

  • Travel to Scotland to celebrate St. Andrew's Day. The holiday commences many parties and festivals in Scotland and it is also an official holiday in the country.
  • Visit St Andrew's Cathedral in Patras, Greece. It is the largest church in the Balkans region and one of the largest in Europe. According to history, St. Andrew was crucified just outside of the church.
  • Use Saint Andrew's Day as an opportunity to support Scottish charities or organizations. Organize a charity event, fundraising activities, or donate to causes that support Scotland or its culture.
  • Dressing up in Scottish attire is a great way to show your appreciation for Scottish culture. Wear a kilt, tartan, or a piece of traditional clothing associated with Scotland.

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