Paczki Day

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Paczki Day

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Paczki Day History

Paczki Da is an annual celebration that involves the splurge of sweet, filled doughnut-like pastries known as paczki right before the Christian season of Lent. Not to be confused with ordinary doughnuts, paczki are dense, yeast-based pastries filled with a variety of jams, jellies, creams, or even prunes, and are typically covered with powdered sugar, icing or orange zest. The event is a precursor to the observance of Lent, signifying the need to use up lard, sugar, eggs and fruit, which are traditionally restricted during the fasting period.

The tradition of Paczki Day is believed to date back to the Middle Ages when it was a means of shrove Tuesday preparation for Lent. The practice traces its roots to Poland, where it was popularly known as 'Fat Thursday' or ‘tlusty czwartek.’ Eventually, the tradition found its way to Polish communities in the United States, especially in areas of Chicago, Detroit and other cities with significant Polish populations, where it is celebrated with much gusto.

The day is marked with paczki-centered events, parades, and gatherings, making it an indulgent last hurrah before the austerity of Lent sets in. In America, Paczki Day, also unofficially known as Fat Tuesday, falls on the day before Ash Wednesday, which varies every year depending upon the date of Easter.

Facts about Paczki Day

  • Paczki can be traced back to the Middle Ages. According to A Healthier Michigan, people in Poland would make pastries to use up all of their sugar, eggs, and other ingredients before Lent. Meats often filled the pastries but today they are filled with sweets and jellies.
  • Paczki is pronounced POONCH-key or PAWNCH-key and it is the plural form. A singular pastry is called a Pączek, pronounced Pon-check.
  • The record for most paczkis eaten in 15 minutes goes to Matt Holowicki of Plymouth, Michigan. Holowicki's record is 23 pastries. At almost 400 calories and 20 grams of fat, that’s 9200 calories and 460 grams of fat in 15 minutes!
  • In Poland, the holiday is actually celebrated the Thursday before Ash Wednesday, known as "Fat Thursday," but Polish immigrants to the United States shifted the tradition to coincide with Mardi Gras celebrations.

Top things to do for Paczki Day

  • Enjoy some paczki. Notable bakeries like Bozek's Market and the New Martha Washington Bakery can be found in Michigan but local bakeries should sell the tasty pastries too.
  • If you’re looking for healthy alternatives that are still as satisfying as regular paczki, you're in luck. Good Cakes and Bakes is a popular bakery in Detroit, Michigan that offers vegan and baked options. Baking paczki rather than frying helps reduce the amount of fat so you can still enjoy the delicious pastries while not feeling too bad about excessive calories.
  • Watch Paczki: The Movie (2004) and see how it all started.

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