I leave as leader of the Liberal Party with the same belief in hope and hard work as when I started. Hope for this party and for this country, because of the millions of Canadians who prove every day that better is always possible. 5K 3K 35K 967K
Our societies are too enslaved to market logic, and everything risks being subject to self-interest and the quest for profit. Volunteering is prophecy and a sign of hope, because it bears witness to the primacy of gratuitousness, solidarity, and service to those most Show more
A beautiful Sunday afternoon in London with 2,500 common sense Canadians who are ready to bring home our jobs, businesses and the country we love! Sign if you want to put Canada First: Show more
Liberals are trying to trick Canadians into electing them for a fourth term by replacing Trudeau with his economic advisor, Mark Carney. It was the same Liberal team that drove up taxes, housing costs, and food prices, while Carney personally profited from moving billions of… Show more 1K 2K 14K 304K
Congratulations @MarkJCarney ! Unfortunately you’re no improvement on Justin Trudeau and you don’t deserve to be prime minister of Canada. You’re just a disconnected member of the globalist elite, whose main achievement as central banker was to print money and debase our… Show more