Veterans Day

Veterans Day Quick Facts in the US

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2026 DateNovember 11, 2026

Veterans Day

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Veterans Day History

Veterans Day is a federal holiday dedicated to honoring and expressing gratitude to those who have served in the country's armed forces. This observance is an opportunity for Americans to recognize veterans for their courage, sacrifice, and dedication to protecting the freedom and values of the nation. Various events, such as parades, ceremonies, and commemorative activities, take place throughout the country, with many individuals also using this time to visit and support veterans in medical facilities or retirement homes.

The history of Veterans Day dates back to the aftermath of World War I, with the original celebration known as Armistice Day, commemorating the signing of the armistice which marked the end of hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany on November 11, 1918. In 1954, following the service of many American soldiers in both World War II and the Korean War, the U.S. Congress approved replacing "Armistice" with "Veterans" in the holiday's name, officially recognizing the observance as Veterans Day. Today, the nationwide events and activities pay tribute to not only those who have served in past conflicts but also the men and women currently serving in the military.

Many communities host parades, memorial services, and patriotic concerts to remember and honor veterans. Schools and workplaces often hold special assemblies and educational programs focusing on the importance of military service. On this day, it is also a tradition for the President to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery, symbolizing the nation's respect and appreciation for the sacrifices made by veterans from all branches of the military. Veterans Day is observed annually on November 11th.

Veterans Day facts

  • The theme for Veterans Day in 2023 was Service.
  • During World War II, over 16 million men and women served in the military. The war resulted in over 400,000 deaths.
  • In 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower issued a proclamation urging the nation to support the Veterans Day effort in any way possible.
  • The War of Global Terrorism, encompassing October 7, 2001 to May 29, 2012, has seen 54,820 casualties of which 6,456 resulted in death.
  • This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. - Elmer Davis

Top things to do in the US for Veterans Day

  • Take flowers to the grave sites of deceased military personnel.
  • Invite local veterans to a special luncheon in their honor.
  • Volunteer at a local VA facility.
  • Thank everyone you know who has served in the armed forces.
  • Make a donation of time or money to a local Veterans organization.

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