September 2020 is Observed as | - National Preparedness Month
- National Childhood Cancer Awareness
- National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
- National School Success Month
- National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery
- National Sickle Cell Disease Awareness
- National Hispanic Heritage Month
Sep. Birthstone  | Sapphire |
Fruit & Veges for the Month of September
 | - Grapes
- Figs
Peppers: Cayenne Pepper...
Chili Peppers
- Poblano Peppers
Serrano Pepper
- Jalapeno Pepper
September Flower | Aster & Forget-me-not |
Sep. Astrological Sign | Virgo (till 22nd) & Libra (23rd →) |
Proclamations and Notable September Observances | - Sep 7: Labor Day
- Sep 11: Patriot Day
- Sep 11: Patriot Day
- Sep 13-19: Minority Enterprise Development Week
- Sep 13-19: Prescription Opioid and Heroin Epidemic Awareness Week
- Sep 17: Constitution Day, Citizenship Day, And Constitution Week
- Sep 18: National POW/MIA Recognition
- Sep 20-26: Farm Safety and Health Week
- Sep 20-26: National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week
- Sep 20-26: National Small Business Week
- Sep 26: National Hunting and Fishing
- Sept 26: Family Health & Fitness Day USA